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Rabu, 23 Mei 2012

Cara Mendapatkan Backlink Sekaligus Mempersatukan User MyWapBlog

Cara Mendapatkan Backlink Sekaligus Mempersatukan User MyWapBlog


Judul inilah yang akan saya posting hari ini adalah Cara Mendapatkan Backlink Sekaligus Mempersatukan User MyWapBlog.
Apa itu backlink ???
Backlink juga berfungsi mempercepat mendapatkan pagerank lho???
Buat sobatt yang mau gabung untuk menanam backlink silahkan posting artikel ini.
Lumayan lho URL nya mantep di postingan blog,pastinya blog anda akan mendapat backlink berkualitas apabila blog PR nya 1,2,3, atau 4 memposting cara ini.

Baiklah sekarang saya jelaskan cara kerjanya.
Setiap postingan mencantumkan 10 URL dari postingan narasumber.
Hapus URL no 1 lalu tempatkan URL kedua di posisi 1,posisi 3 keposisi 2,posisi 4 keposisi 3 dan seterusnya,
kemudian tempatkan URL sobath di nomor 10.

Mengapa menghapus URL no 1????
Karena URL di posisi puncak sudah mendapat backlink yang cukup setelah melewati posisi 10,9,8,7,6,5,4,3,2
maka URLnya diletakan di posisi 1, dan posisi 1 akan hilang ketika ada orang yang mempublish baru.

Disini kamu boleh mempublish kembali.
Perhitungannya :
Apabila minimalnya 3 orang mempublish artikel ini, maka perkalianya: 1x3x3x3x3x3x3x3x3x3= 19683 backlink yang didapat.
Di mata google pasti blog anda dipandang lebih,karena ada seseorang yang rela menaut halaman anda, semakin banyak yang menaut, maka google mengganggap blog anda adalah blog yang penting. Jadi ada kemungkinan kenaikan PageRank apabila google update PageRank nanti.

Jangan sampai menaruh 2 URL anda di postingan/main curang, karena akan ketahuan saat teman anda mengcopy paste URL ganda. Caranya mudah, yaitu cukup copy paste artikel dan URL yang ada di postingan ini. Jadi kita sama-sama diuntungkan, bagaimana?
Berminat? Tariiiik arrow . Buat blog lain bisa juga mengikuti cara ini.

Tips buat menghadapi ranking alexa yang terus membesar

Tips buat menghadapi ranking alexa yang terus membesar

by: 19fdesign.com

Wah situs saya tiba-tiba ranking alexa-nya melorot dari ranking 400-an menjadi 1juta-an-( menyakitan he3x, tapi bagi saya ini tantangan. Saya akui beberapa bulan ini saya banyak offline jadi tidak sempat mengupdate isi situs saya dan jarang blogwalking. Selain itu menurut hasil googling "gosipnya loh!" adanya duplikasi content yang diambil via feed membuat situs saya melakukan spam content di mana2 hal ini menambah parah keadaan.

alexa.com web blog

Pendapatan dari dunia maya juga menurun dimana para pelangan pembeli link yang biasa loyal memasang link disitus saya jadi drop. Benar-benar sangat memukul keadaan dompet saya he3x, syukurlah penghasilan dari pekerjaan sebagai buruh design web tetap ada meskipun kecil-kecil. Setelah googling sana kemari saya mendapatkan tips buat meningkatkan ranking alexa.com kita :

1. Ramahlah dengan alexa dengan mengijinkan alexa meletakkan toolbarnya di browser kita, memang cara ini classic tetapi kabarnya sangat bermanfaat bisa di download di sini

alexa add toolbar download

2. Sekali lagi kita harus welcome dengan meletakkan Alexa rank widget mejeng situs kita, logikanya gini kaya orang pacaran suka pandang fotonya pasti kita jadi ingin kontak2 sidoi nah kalau udah gitu kita terlihat ada perhatian dari si doi .."gombal!..joke!". Silahkan buat disini

alexa website blog site info ranking

3. Daftarkan diri kita di keanggotaan alexa biar perhatian kita sama si alexa jadi tambah serius.. ;-) silahkan daftar disini

4. Coba menulis sedikit review tentang alexa yang itung-itung beramal menjelaskan tentang alexa kepada khalayak ramai di dunia maya ini terutama bagi para pemburu uang di internet seperti saya ..he3x

5. Suka-suka berjalan-jalan ke situs web atau blog lain dan berilah komentar disana sehingga ada backlink yang bisa meningkatkan ranking alexa kita selain salah satu cara silahturahmi ala dunia maya

6. Buktikan cintamu pada alexa dengan selalu melakukan update berita-berita dalam blog atau website yang dimiliki, dengan demikian alexa akan suka mampir dan alexa akan terus terbayang dengan wajah kita …."asal!…joke!"…he3x

7. Buat situsmu semenarik mungkin kalau bisa SEO (search engine optimization) sehingga pengunjung betah dan terus berdatangan dan secara tidak langsung berpapasan dengan jeng alexa…kan lumayan sapa tau ada yang mau kenalan sama alexa.."saingan donk!"..joke..;-). Seputar SEO bisa baca disini

Hanya sedikit itu saja yang bisa saya share kali ini untuk meningkatkan ranking alexa situs web dan blog kita …semoga bermanfaat ..salam!

Sejarah Website "Alexa" Rank

Sejarah Website "Alexa" Rank

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alexa.com | Solusi Rank No Data

alexa.com | Solusi Rank No Data

alexa.com | No Data Rank Solution | Alexa merupakan situs yang menyediakan layanan pemberian peringkat atau ranking suatu blog atau website. Untuk blogger pemula mungkin pernah mendapati masalah tentang informasi n/a atau No Rank Data in Alexa seperti yang pernah saya alami juga sebagai blogger pemula. Tidak perlu resah bila anda mendapati informasi yang seperti itu karena Alexa memiliki alasan sendiri tentang masalah itu. now, I want to share how to get solution to answer of No rank data in alexa.

Solusi Alexa no rank data :
  • Alexa belum mengidentifikasi secara sempurna blog anda atau verifikasi yang belum tuntas sehingga anda belum bisa melihat data rank anda disana karena blog anda masih tergolong baru.
  • Bila blog anda sudah tua atau sudah lama namun tetap no rank data maka bisa jadi karena anda kurang aktif dalam melakukan posting berita.
  • Postingan kopas juga berpengaruh dalam penilaian alexa sehingga disarankan untuk melakukan posting dengan berita yang original dan unik.
  • Disiplin bin rutin dalam menulis berita artikel maka alexa akan menilai blog anda baik, secara otomatis Search Engine juga akan memberi peringkat Excelent bila dua tips diatas anda lakukan.
  • Kesimpulan : Disiplin Posting, Original posting adalah solusinya.

itulah tips ringan dari Infoting, meski ringan semoga bermanfaat untuk yang baru belajar seperti kami ini.

Steps to a Better Alexa Ranking

7 Steps to a Better Alexa Ranking

No matter what you are selling on the internet, your Alexa ranking is a measure of your trustworthiness and saleability! Higher ranks on Alexa indicate that you have high levels of traffic to your site compared to your competitors. It translates into higher reputation and earnings, because that is what ad networks look for these days. Of course, Alexa only gauges traffic amongst people who have the Alexa toolbar installed and also the backlinks. However, since it is an indicator of your site’s reputation and popularity – you might very well need to look into how you can improve your rank!

1. Alexa Toolbar – An Absolute Must

Since your rankings are directly affected by what the toolbar makes of it, this is a foregone conclusion. Download both the Firefox and the Internet Explorer versions. Remember to set your website as the homepage in the browsers. Also make sure that you use BOTH the browsers whenever you are online. This way, you can end up appearing as 2 different users, simply because you have 2 different toolbar ids.

You can even ask your friends to install the toolbar. You can download alexa toolbar at: http://www.alexa.com/toolbar

2. Get the Widget Too

While you are at it, it might be a good idea to install the Alexa rank widget too. Once you install it on your blog and traffic starts flowing you will see an increase in alexa rankings even if the visitors do not have the Alexa toolbar installed. This definitely helps you get better ranking on Alexa. Different types of alexa widgets are available at: http://www.alexa.com/siteowners/widgets

3. Exchange Links

Another simple way of increasing your rankings on Alexa is to exchange your links with other sites that are relevant to yours. Even if they are some other niche it is okay. Just make sure they have a good ranking on Alexa themselves. This is a simple way of ensuring that you are in good company and raising your rank.

4. Post Frequently and Interlink Posts

Regular frequent posting has positive effect on alexa ranking though the reason is not clear. Some bloggers say alexa checks post frequency but at the same time updating your blog several times a day is not good. Interlinking posts is another good idea for boosting your rankings. Interlinking posts increases traffic, lowers bounce rate and thereby boosts alexa.

5. Write about Alexa

One easy and surefire way of increasing your rankings is to write about Alexa itself! People LOVE to know more about how to improve their rankings – so you always get relevant traffic to your site that way!

6. Attract Webmasters

You could also write content that is relevant to other webmasters. Think SEO, tools for webmasters and other topics that generally interest webmasters. Most webmasters and tech bloggers have an Alexa toolbar installed so your rankings go up automatically!

There’s no doubt about the fact that a good ranking increases your popularity (which itself has a viral effect) – not to mention the feel good factor and more advertisement! Go for it today – your site deserves it!

7. Backlink Building

This is essential if you want to build your Alexa rank. You can build back links through article marketing, forum signatures, guest posting and social bookmarking. Dofollow blog comments is of great help in boosting your alexa rankings. ProBlogDesign is my favorite dofollow blog.

Cara Memasang Widget Alexa Rank Pada Mywapblog

Cara Memasang Widget Alexa Rank Pada Mywapblog

Cara Memasang Widget Alexa Rank Pada Mywapblog. Seperti biasa pada malam hari ini Cara Membuat Blog tetap membahas seputar Cara Cara Ngeblog yaitu mengenai Cara Memasang Alexa Rank Pada Mywapblog.

Silahkan anda ikuti langkah langkahnya di bawah ini:

NOTE: pada tips kali ini saya menggunakan Browser Opera Mini 5.1

1. Silahkan menuju ke www.alexa.com/siteowners/widgets

2. Anda cari pada pilihan Alexa Site Stats Button


3. Masukan URL Blog anda pada kolom


4. Klik tombol Build Widget


lalu anda pilih di antara tiga macam Baner yang ada seperti di bawah ini

Button 120 x 95


Vertical Banner 120 x 240


Banner 468 x 60


7. arahkan kursor tepat ditengah gambar alexa rank


8. Anda tekan angka 1 (satu) lalu pilih Open Image


tunggu sejenak sampai browser selesai membuka gambar dan sampai tampil halaman Save Image seperti dibawah ini


9. Pada halaman Save Image tekan Navigasi kiri pada HP anda dan arahkan kursor tepat di Address Bar


10. Tekan angka 1 (satu) dan kemudian pilih Copy


11. Anda simpan sementara URL gambar Alexa Rank pada Draft SMS atau Notepad.

12. Anda ganti teks fb.mujab.net yang berwarna merah dengan URL Blog anda dan URL gambar Alexa yang berwarna biru ganti dengan URL gambar Alexa Rank anda yang tadi disimpan sementara pada Draft SMS atau Notepad pada HP anda pada script HTML di bawah ini


NOTE: saya sarankan anda Copy Script HTML melalui Text Area di bawah ini agar Script HTML-nya tidak error

13. Kemudian anda Masuk ke Dashboard > Navigation Menu


14. Tempel/Paste kan kode pada kolom Add New Item kemudian tekan Add. Seperti gambar di bawah ini



Demonya bisa anda lihat di bawah ini:


demikian tips pada malam ini dari Cara Membuat Blog mengenai Cara Memasang Widget Alexa Rank Pada Mywapblog. Trims be4...

Top 20 Blog Directories By Page Rank And Alexa Rank

Top 20 Blog Directories By Page Rank And Alexa Rank


top page rank blog DirectoriesThe Blog Directory or Rss Submission site, there is thousands of them floating around.With a couple of bucks and few lines of code you could have your own by tonight.But when you weed through the garbage you can find some really useful Blog Directories and Submission websites with High Page and Alexa rank.So that's exactly what i have done and the result is 20 of the biggest Blog Directories and Blog Submission sites for you to add your blog to.Recently we published the Top Do-Follow Social Bookmarking Websites to add you blog to so both posts will get your blog moving in the right direction.Once your blog is added you will get listed on the site with your blogs URL and Feed displayed to a whole new audience.Some of the Directories listed are Do-Follow so you will get high PR back links, we have 2 sites with a Google Page Rank of 8 !

When you visit each site look for the 'Submit' link to add your blog and follow the steps, all the Rss Directory's i have listed are totally free.So starting with the Big Two and finishing with what i would perceive as the biggest in terms of membership (BlogCatalog only has a page rank of 4 - wow) here they are.

20 Best Blog Directory And Rss Submission Websites
  1. www.dmoz.org - Has A Google Page Rank Of 8 And An Alexa Rank Of 455
  2. www.boingboing.net - Has A Google Page Rank Of 8 And An Alexa Rank Of 1,809
  3. www.blogs.com - Has A Google Page Rank Of 7 And An Alexa Rank Of 1,521
  4. www.mybloglog.com - Has A Google Page Rank Of 7 And An Alexa Rank Of 2,023
  5. www.blogs.botw.org - Has A Google Page Rank Of 7 And An Alexa Rank Of 4,521
  6. www.icerocket.com - Has A Google Page Rank Of 7 And An Alexa Rank Of 5,464
  7. www.bloggernity.com - Has A Google Page Rank Of 7 And An Alexa Rank Of 31,324
  8. www.blo.gs - Has A Google Page Rank Of 7 And An Alexa Rank Of 42,729
  9. www.globeofblogs.com - Has A Google Page Rank Of 7 And An Alexa Rank Of 49,454
  10. www.alltop.com - Has A Google Page Rank Of 6 And An Alexa Rank Of 2,898
  11. www.blogged.com - Has A Google Page Rank Of 6 And An Alexa Rank Of 5,831
  12. www.blogpulse.com - Has A Google Page Rank Of 6 And An Alexa Rank Of 18,687
  13. www.bloggapedia.com - Has A Google Page Rank Of 6 And An Alexa Rank Of 29,085
  14. www.bloghub.com - Has A Google Page Rank Of 6 And An Alexa Rank Of 43,274
  15. www.topofblogs.com - Has A Google Page Rank Of 5 And An Alexa Rank Of 14,313
  16. www.blogdigger.com - Has A Google Page Rank 5 Of And An Alexa Rank Of 27,776
  17. www.blog-directory.org - Has A Google Page Rank Of 5 And An Alexa Rank Of 58,534
  18. www.blogexplosion.com - Has A Google Page Rank Of 5 And An Alexa Rank Of 33,776
  19. www.blogville.us - Has A Google Page Rank Of 5 And An Alexa Rank Of 71,287
  20. www.blogcatalog.com - Has A Google Page Rank Of 4 And An Alexa Rank Of 1,108

Phew - You should take the time out to submit to all the sites in the list, it would be a well spent 20 minutes.Make sure to check out more of our Top Lists and SEO Tips for your blog.Have i missed one ? if you know a Free Blog Dictory or Rss Feed submission ranked higher than those in the list let us know.Pump up your blog some more with The Top Do-Follow Social Bookmarking Websites

7 Strategi Ampuh Yang Terbukti untuk Meningkatkan Ranking Alexa

7 Strategi Ampuh Yang Terbukti untuk Meningkatkan Ranking Alexa

Dalam rangka meningkatkan peringkat alexa, saya telah menghabiskan waktu berminggu-minggu untuk mencari informasi, tips dan rahasia dari blog-blog sukses yang telah mendpatkan ranking yang luar biasa dari alexa. Akhirnya saya menemukan sejumlah situs yang telah menerapkan teknik-teknik untuk meningkatkan ranking alexa meraka dan ternyata teknik tersebut telah terbukti meningkatkan ranking situs mereka hanya dalam satu minggu.

Inilah yang perlu Anda ketahui. Kenyataan dasar dari teknik ini adalah bahwa peringkat Alexa didasarkan pada jangkauan dan tampilan halaman. Namun itu hanya dihitung apabila orang-orang yang mengunjungi blog/situs Anda sudah mendownload Alexa toolbar. Siapapun dapat men-download toolbar gratis yang secara otomatis ditambahkan ke browser Anda dan melacak blog/situs yang Anda kunjungi. Peningkatan kunjungan dari orang-orang yang tidak memiliki Alexa toolbar tidak akan membantu peringkat Alexa anda.

Saya telah meringkas strategi 7 untuk meningkatkan peringkat Alexa. Menerapkan strategi untuk situs Web sendiri dan melihat peringkat Anda naik.

1. Download Alexa toolbar dan menggunakannya setiap hari untuk mengunjungi situs web Anda sendiri. Alexa bahkan memberi Anda kemampuan untuk bersama-merek toolbar dengan logo Anda sendiri dan memberikannya. Anda dapat mendownload toolbar di sini: http://www.alexa.com/toolbar

2. Gunakan Alexa redirection. Tak peduli kapan atau di mana Anda memberikan link ke website Anda, pastikan untuk menggunakan URL redirect Alexa. Sebagai contoh, ketika menyediakan link ke website saya, saya menggunakan http://redirect.alexa.com/redirect?blog.kitagaya.com. Jika Anda menyalin URL ini ke browser Anda, itu akan membawa Anda ke Blog.Kitagaya.com. Untuk menggunakan teknik ini, cukup mengganti nama website saya (blog.kitagaya.com) dengan domain Anda.

3. Ajak pengunjung blog Anda untuk menambahkan testimonial/review positif mereka pada halaman daftar rinci Alexa untuk website Anda. Ini dapat dilakukan dengan menempatkan link ke halaman testimonial di Alexa di situs blog Anda dan meminta pengunjung untuk memberikan komentar. “Klik di sini untuk menilai blog ini“.

4. Tulis Ulasan Situs Anda Sendiri dan sertakan URL redirect Anda. Daftar 500 domain teratas menurut Alexa dapat ditemukan di http://www.alexa.com/topsites. Bila Anda menulis review, pastikan untuk menggunakan URL redirection kita bahas dalam angka 2 di atas khusus untuk situs web Anda.

5. Download Statistik Peringkat Alexa, sejarah lalu lintas grafik, info link, dan penghitung lalu lintas lain ke halaman situs Web yang menerima kunjungan terbanyak. Sebagai contoh, di bagian bawah blog saya http://blog.kitagaya.com, saya telah menambahkan kotak peringkat Alexa. Anda dapat melakukan hal yang sama untuk situs Anda sendiri dengan mengunjungi http://www.alexa.com/.

6. Memasang Iklan pada direktori pencarian ExactSeek hanya beberapa dolar per bulan. Hasil mesin pencarian ExactSeek.com secara langsung berhubungan dengan peringkat Alexa. Anda akan melihat bahwa jika sebuah situs web yang berperingkat tinggi seperti ExactSeek, kemungkinan bahwa hal itu akan sangat berharga di Alexa.

7. Daftar di Situs Direktori DMOZ. DMOZ merupakan situs direktori yang diperiksa langsung oleh manusia yang terbesar di internet. Lalu bersabar, pemeriksaan sebuah situs sering memakan waktu sampai 5 bulan.

Strategi sederhana ini mudah untuk diterapkan dan akan membuat perbedaan besar dalam peringkat Alexa Anda. Pada akhirnya Anda ingin pengunjung untuk melakukan lebih dari mengunjungi halaman rumah Anda, Anda ingin mereka untuk berinteraksi dengan situs Anda. Pastikan untuk mengoptimalkan situs Anda untuk tujuan SEO, kemudahan penggunaan, dan interaksi. Membuat pengalaman pengguna yang positif akan mendapatkan pengunjung untuk kembali lagi dan lagi.

Semoga artikel ini bermanfaat bagi anda. Jika anda punya strategi lain yang dapat meningkatkan ranking alexa anda silahkan tinggalkan komentar. :)

Alexa Ranking – Improve Alexa Traffic Rank

Alexa Ranking – Improve Alexa Traffic Rank

Alexa Ranking – Improve Alexa Traffic RankWithout a Decent Alexa Ranking your site is going to struggle for traffic & recognition.

Alexa Ranking is very similar to Googles Page Rank & is used as a measure of the quality & effectiveness of a website or blog. Therefore here at “My Blog Review”, we are going to do several articles all of which will have the ultimate goal of improving your site’s ranking.

Best SEO Tools To Use..?

We are going to look at the benefits of such tools as the Alexa Toolbar & the SEO Toolbar, both free to download. We will also take a look at a couple of websites that I find very helpful in highlighting any SEO errors, that may also affect your website ranking.

What Is This Ranking Based On..?

Whilst it is true that the Alexa’s Site Ranking & the Google Page Ranking are very similar and of course are equally important, Alexa’s Ranking is based more on site usage & traffic, where as Googles Ranking appears to be based more on backlinks than anything else. We should also bear in mind that should you wish to monetize your site, then be aware that many advertisers will use your Alexa Ranking as a measure of your sites effectiveness.

Following articles will cover such topics as;

1. Basic Page Layout

2. Title, Description & Keyword Relevancy

3. RSS Feeds & Directories

4. Social Media Prominence

5. Important SEO Factors

6. Acceptable Traffic Generation

7. Alex Ranking – Final Results

I will more than likely do one of these articles every other day, so it is spread over a 2 week period & this way we are more likely to get some visible results showing through in our sites ranking.

Alexa Ranking – Improve Alexa Traffic Rank

This is obviously my own sites ranking taken a few moments ago, if you would like to do the same as you follow this short course, then simply go to Alexa.com & type in your site’s URL into the Traffic Rank Widget. Then click get widget and you will be given the code.

You can either paste this code into the sidebar of you blog, or do as I have done & save it as an image to prevent the figures changing, this will allow me to do a comparison between the start figures & the end results.

In order for us to know the outcome of the recommendations that we will implement, it would be a great idea if you take note of your website or blog’s current ranking & then we can check again after a week or two & be able to do a good comparison as to whether or not our tactics are working..?

Having said that, the 7 tips I am going to give you, have helped take “My Blog Review” from a ranking of over 9,000,000 to 639,013 in just over 4 months & there should be no valid reason why you cannot achieve the same.

7 Ways to Increase Alexa Rank

7 Ways to Increase Alexa Rank

How can you increase your Alexa rank? Alexa is a subsidiary of Amazon.com. It is a ranking system based on the level of traffic a website receives from people with the Alexa toolbar installed.

You may want to increase your Alexa rank because advertisers, ad networkers use it as a gauge to determine the popularity of your blog. So if you are someone who is making money from advertising, you would definitely want to increase your alexa rank as it helps you bargain for an ad price. Sites like reviewme.com determines review price based on your Technorati rank and Alexa rank.

Increase Alexa Ranking

  1. Download Alexa toolbar free. If you are using Firefox, I recommend you to use another plug-in called SearchStatus which not only displays the Alexa rank but it also shows page rank details, no follow links, meta tags, keyword density of a page etc
  2. Put an Alexa rank widget on your blog. Each click will be counted as a visitor.
  3. Encourage your friends or colleagues to use Alexa toolbar. Explain them about the tracking system of the toolbar. Ask them to rate your Alexa website profile.
  4. Try to get dugg or stumbled. This will bring massive amount of traffic to your site and contributes a lot to your Alexa rank.
  5. Write content related to webmasters. This is because most of the webmasters use Alexa toolbar. You may write and post articles related to SEO, webmaster tools. Webmasters always look for new tools and may revisit your website to gain access to the tools. Promote your articles on webmaster forums and social networking sites.
  6. Buy links and banners from webmaster forums. A well displayed ad can bring lots of webmaster traffic to your site and boost your rank. But you need to have unique and good content on your blog to attract more and more visitors.
  7. Write about Alexa and post in your blog. Bloggers love to know about different ways of increasing their Alexa rank. This may eventually increase traffic and your rank.
You may try Alexa autosurfs for a new site or blog. They may work for new sites having almost zero Alexa rank. But they are not a long term solution.

7 Basic Tips For Improving Your Blogs Alexa Rank

7 Basic Tips For Improving Your Blogs Alexa Rank

If Im going to advertise in a blog, other than page visits and views, I will check their 3 ranks. They are PageRank, Technorati Rank and Alexa Rank. Now in this article Ill share some tips to improve the Alexa rank of your blog. When I started The Platinum Pro Marketer, its Alexa rank was around 20million and now it is around 900k. Credits go to you people only. Thank You!

Bringing my blogs Alexa rank below 100k is one of my site goals for 2011.

Whats the use of Alexa Rank?

Wdbmasters, advertisers and ad networks use your blogs Alexa rank to determine the worth of a link on your website. Advertisers and other people approach you after seeing your blogs Alexa rank. Fortunately, I experienced these things. Even BuySellAds (BSA) approves only if you have a good Alexa rank.

Tips for improving your blogs Alexa rank :

#1 Use Toolbar : Install Alexa Toolbar. Alexa currently has toolbar for IE and Firefox only, hard luck for Chrome and Opera users. Now set your blog as homepage in both the browsers. You can do this in your relatives and friends house or even in browsing centers.

#2 Use Widget : Many blog owners found this tip useful. Placing Alexa Rank Widget in your blog helps a lot. But it is worth trying.

#3 Consistency : Alexa rank automatically improves if you update your blog frequently with good contents. Update your blog daily for a better Alexa rank.

#4 Write About Alexa : Many bloggers love to learn the tips for improving Alexa rank. Theyll link to you and send you targeted traffic. It is better to keep Alexa as a category or a tag.

#5 Reviews And Ratings : Some bloggers claim this tip has something to do with Alexa rank. Try to increase reviews and ratings for your Alexa website profile. You are most welcome to write one for TPPM.

#6 Update Info : Update your listing data and blogs site info using their Self-service tools. It gives a professional touch to it.

#7 Claim The Blog : Create an Alexa account or use your existing Facebook account and claim your blog. You can verify by uploading a text file or using a meta tag code.

Though many people dont believe in Alexa rankings, it is still ruling the blogosphere.

If you got any Alexa tips to add please share/comment about it

7 Basic Tips For Improving Your Blog’s Alexa Rank Written by Pradeep Kumar in Blogging - Print This Post If I’m going to advertise in a blog, other than page visits and views, I will check their 3 ranks. They are PageRank, Technorati Rank and Alexa Rank. Now in this article I’ll share some tips to improve the Alexa rank of your blog. When I started HB, it’s Alexa rank was around 700k and now it is around 70k. Credits go to you people only. Thank You! Bringing my blog’s Alexa rank below 100k was one of my site goals for 2009. What’s the use of Alexa Rank? Webmasters, advertisers and ad networks use your blog’s Alexa rank to determine the worth of a link on your website. Advertisers and other people approach you after seeing your blog’s Alexa rank. Fortunately, I experienced these things. Even BuySellAds (BSA) approves only if you have a good Alexa rank. Tips for improving your blog’s Alexa rank : alexa#1 – Use Toolbar : Install Alexa Toolbar. Alexa currently has toolbar for IE and Firefox only, hard luck for Chrome and Opera users. Now set your blog as homepage in both the browsers. You can do this in your relatives and friends house or even in browsing centers. #2 – Use Widget : Many blog owners found this tip useful. Placing Alexa Rank Widget in your blog helps a lot. But it is worth trying. #3 – Consistency : Alexa rank automatically improves if you update your blog frequently with good contents. Update your blog daily for a better Alexa rank. #4 – Write About Alexa : Many bloggers love to learn the tips for improving Alexa rank. They’ll link to you and send you targeted traffic. It is better to keep ‘Alexa’ as a category or a tag. #5 – Reviews And Ratings : Some bloggers claim this tip has something*to do with Alexa rank. Try to increase reviews and ratings for your Alexa website profile. You are most welcome to write one for HB. #6 – Update Info : Update your listing data and blog’s site info using their Self-service tools. It gives a professional touch to it. #7 – Claim The Blog : Create an Alexa account or use your existing Facebook account and claim your blog. You can verify by uploading a text file or using a meta tag code. Though many people don’t believe in Alexa rankings, it is still ruling the blogosphere. If you got any Alexa tips to add please share/comment about it! ;)

Read more at http://hellboundbloggers.com/2009/10/26/tips-for-improving-alexa-rank/
7 Basic Tips For Improving Your Blog’s Alexa Rank Written by Pradeep Kumar in Blogging - Print This Post If I’m going to advertise in a blog, other than page visits and views, I will check their 3 ranks. They are PageRank, Technorati Rank and Alexa Rank. Now in this article I’ll share some tips to improve the Alexa rank of your blog. When I started HB, it’s Alexa rank was around 700k and now it is around 70k. Credits go to you people only. Thank You! Bringing my blog’s Alexa rank below 100k was one of my site goals for 2009. What’s the use of Alexa Rank? Webmasters, advertisers and ad networks use your blog’s Alexa rank to determine the worth of a link on your website. Advertisers and other people approach you after seeing your blog’s Alexa rank. Fortunately, I experienced these things. Even BuySellAds (BSA) approves only if you have a good Alexa rank. Tips for improving your blog’s Alexa rank : alexa#1 – Use Toolbar : Install Alexa Toolbar. Alexa currently has toolbar for IE and Firefox only, hard luck for Chrome and Opera users. Now set your blog as homepage in both the browsers. You can do this in your relatives and friends house or even in browsing centers. #2 – Use Widget : Many blog owners found this tip useful. Placing Alexa Rank Widget in your blog helps a lot. But it is worth trying. #3 – Consistency : Alexa rank automatically improves if you update your blog frequently with good contents. Update your blog daily for a better Alexa rank. #4 – Write About Alexa : Many bloggers love to learn the tips for improving Alexa rank. They’ll link to you and send you targeted traffic. It is better to keep ‘Alexa’ as a category or a tag. #5 – Reviews And Ratings : Some bloggers claim this tip has something to do with Alexa rank. Try to increase reviews and ratings for your Alexa website profile. You are most welcome to write one for HB. #6 – Update Info : Update your listing data and blog’s site info using their Self-service tools. It gives a professional touch to it. #7 – Claim The Blog : Create an Alexa account or use your existing Facebook account and claim your blog. You can verify by uploading a text file or using a meta tag code. Though many people don’t believe in Alexa rankings, it is still ruling the blogosphere. If you got any Alexa tips to add please share/comment about it! ;)

Read more at http://hellboundbloggers.com/2009/10/26/tips-for-improving-alexa-rank/
7 Basic Tips For Improving Your Blog’s Alexa Rank Written by Pradeep Kumar in Blogging - Print This Post If I’m going to advertise in a blog, other than page visits and views, I will check their 3 ranks. They are PageRank, Technorati Rank and Alexa Rank. Now in this article I’ll share some tips to improve the Alexa rank of your blog. When I started HB, it’s Alexa rank was around 700k and now it is around 70k. Credits go to you people only. Thank You! Bringing my blog’s Alexa rank below 100k was one of my site goals for 2009. What’s the use of Alexa Rank? Webmasters, advertisers and ad networks use your blog’s Alexa rank to determine the worth of a link on your website. Advertisers and other people approach you after seeing your blog’s Alexa rank. Fortunately, I experienced these things. Even BuySellAds (BSA) approves only if you have a good Alexa rank. Tips for improving your blog’s Alexa rank : alexa#1 – Use Toolbar : Install Alexa Toolbar. Alexa currently has toolbar for IE and Firefox only, hard luck for Chrome and Opera users. Now set your blog as homepage in both the browsers. You can do this in your relatives and friends house or even in browsing centers. #2 – Use Widget : Many blog owners found this tip useful. Placing Alexa Rank Widget in your blog helps a lot. But it is worth trying. #3 – Consistency : Alexa rank automatically improves if you update your blog frequently with good contents. Update your blog daily for a better Alexa rank. #4 – Write About Alexa : Many bloggers love to learn the tips for improving Alexa rank. They’ll link to you and send you targeted traffic. It is better to keep ‘Alexa’ as a category or a tag. #5 – Reviews And Ratings : Some bloggers claim this tip has something to do with Alexa rank. Try to increase reviews and ratings for your Alexa website profile. You are most welcome to write one for HB. #6 – Update Info : Update your listing data and blog’s site info using their Self-service tools. It gives a professional touch to it. #7 – Claim The Blog : Create an Alexa account or use your existing Facebook account and claim your blog. You can verify by uploading a text file or using a meta tag code. Though many people don’t believe in Alexa rankings, it is still ruling the blogosphere. If you got any Alexa tips to add please share/comment about it! ;)

Read more at http://hellboundbloggers.com/2009/10/26/tips-for-improving-alexa-rank/
7 Basic Tips For Improving Your Blog’s Alexa Rank Written by Pradeep Kumar in Blogging - Print This Post If I’m going to advertise in a blog, other than page visits and views, I will check their 3 ranks. They are PageRank, Technorati Rank and Alexa Rank. Now in this article I’ll share some tips to improve the Alexa rank of your blog. When I started HB, it’s Alexa rank was around 700k and now it is around 70k. Credits go to you people only. Thank You! Bringing my blog’s Alexa rank below 100k was one of my site goals for 2009. What’s the use of Alexa Rank? Webmasters, advertisers and ad networks use your blog’s Alexa rank to determine the worth of a link on your website. Advertisers and other people approach you after seeing your blog’s Alexa rank. Fortunately, I experienced these things. Even BuySellAds (BSA) approves only if you have a good Alexa rank. Tips for improving your blog’s Alexa rank : alexa#1 – Use Toolbar : Install Alexa Toolbar. Alexa currently has toolbar for IE and Firefox only, hard luck for Chrome and Opera users. Now set your blog as homepage in both the browsers. You can do this in your relatives and friends house or even in browsing centers. #2 – Use Widget : Many blog owners found this tip useful. Placing Alexa Rank Widget in your blog helps a lot. But it is worth trying. #3 – Consistency : Alexa rank automatically improves if you update your blog frequently with good contents. Update your blog daily for a better Alexa rank. #4 – Write About Alexa : Many bloggers love to learn the tips for improving Alexa rank. They’ll link to you and send you targeted traffic. It is better to keep ‘Alexa’ as a category or a tag. #5 – Reviews And Ratings : Some bloggers claim this tip has something to do with Alexa rank. Try to increase reviews and ratings for your Alexa website profile. You are most welcome to write one for HB. #6 – Update Info : Update your listing data and blog’s site info using their Self-service tools. It gives a professional touch to it. #7 – Claim The Blog : Create an Alexa account or use your existing Facebook account and claim your blog. You can verify by uploading a text file or using a meta tag code. Though many people don’t believe in Alexa rankings, it is still ruling the blogosphere. If you got any Alexa tips to add please share/comment about it! ;)

Read more at http://hellboundbloggers.com/2009/10/26/tips-for-improving-alexa-rank/

7 Simple ways to Boost your Alexa Rank Drastically

7 Simple ways to Boost your Alexa Rank Drastically

Alexa Rank is the most important thing after SEO for the Business point of you. If you have good Alexa rank then the chance is that more companies will take interest to display the ads on your blog. Because less Alexa Rank indicates more visitors and good ranking in Google as well.

 7 Simple ways to Boost your Alexa Rank Drastically

These are the Basics steps to improve Alexa Rank

1. Claim your Blog at Alexa

 7 Simple ways to Boost your Alexa Rank Drastically

Claiming your blog/website on Alexa means to tell them that you are on the internet. you can click on this link to claim your blog on Alexa and it is FREE of COST

2. Download Alexa Toolbar

 7 Simple ways to Boost your Alexa Rank Drastically

Toolbar is the must have thing if you want to see the improvement in the ranking. use it every day to visit your own website.Encourage your friends or colleagues to use Alexa toolbar because Alexa Rank your site only on the basis of the number of visitor who are having toolbar installed. This will give them a clear idea of his/her own blog and improve your ranking also. You can have your own customized toolbar also.

3. Write about Alexa

Bloggers are always looking for different ways of improving their Alexa rank. This may eventually increase traffic and your rank.

4. Put Alexa Widgets on your Blog

 7 Simple ways to Boost your Alexa Rank Drastically

Putting Alexa Widget on your blog will give your visitors a clear idea about your blog so he will revisit your blog as soon as possible.

5. Use Alexa Redirection

 7 Simple ways to Boost your Alexa Rank Drastically

This is the another way to getting noticed by Alexa. http://www.alexa.com/search?q=www.kulwantnagi.com&r=site_siteinfo&p=bigtop. If you copy this URL into your browser, it will take you to www.kulwantnagi.com. To use this tactic, simply replace the name of website (kulwantnagi) with yours.

6. Improve user SEO for maximum Search Engines

 7 Simple ways to Boost your Alexa Rank Drastically

Get in the list of all Search Engines by using their webmaster tools.

7. Ask your Friends to write review about your Blog.

 7 Simple ways to Boost your Alexa Rank Drastically

If you blog will get some reviews then the chance of ranking will improve much higher. add Review Widget on your blog and encourage your readers to write about your blog.